

Your LIFE Counts, You make a Difference in my Life

No doubt about it, it hurts to be ignored

The internet with all of its benefits also has a dark side to it, it makes us ignore ordinary people and lavish our attention and praise on celebrities, professional athletics, politicians and social influencers. For the most part, the rest of us get ignored  as if our ordinary lives do not count. 

My life counts even if know one else thinks so and so does yours. While we may not get any credit or appreciation for the good we do, it is the ordinary people, like you and me, that make the world work.  

It's people, like ourselves, working behind the scenes of 'daily life' that rarely get credit for doing the things that make living life possible. People like teachers, nurses, janitors, sanitation workers, truck drivers, clerks, factory workers, writers and  social workers to name just a few. 

The list of people who count in my life is endless and I am grateful for each and every one of them and that includes YOU. 

As an author and writer you complete me. Without you reading my words I would not be able to make a difference in your world. Thank you for allowing me to make a difference in your life today, As small as that difference might be. I am grateful for you.  💗💗💗💗

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