

I'm not getting what I want. Are you ASKING Enough?

You can have whatever you want but most people don't get what they want because they STOP asking before they get it. 

Who should I ask? 

Ask anyone and everyone who can possibly give you what you want. Especially ask the Universe (the God of your understanding) and when feeling discouraged ask again and again until you get what you want. 

Asking is guaranteed to get you what you want but you can't stop asking until you get what you want. When feeling discouraged about getting what you want that is the time to ramp up asking the Universe to show you the way, to open the door, to give you what you want with the expectancy that you will get what you want.

Repeated ASKING is vote of confidence that you really want what you say you want... The Universe loves people who persist in asking and always, always rewards this kind of asking. 

Ask and you SHALL receive, guaranteed
Ask NOT and you shall receive not, also guaranteed.

Frederick Zappone, 

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