

Pretending KILLS OFF Life Working for YOU.


The truth is not always pretty, sometimes it can be downright ugly. This could be one of those times for you. Pretense is when you are thinking one set of thoughts and feeling the opposite of those thoughts. Pretense means you are lying to yourself and nothing makes people feel more angry, frustrated or depressed, with themselves, than when they are lying to themselves.


Today Gratitude List is about being grateful for telling 
your whole truth and nothing but your truth to yourself

I am grateful now that I am not pretending anymore..
I am grateful for being honest that I am an angry/depressed person.
I am grateful I am not pretending with God or myself any more.
I am grateful for telling my truth that I'm pissed off that I am not perfect.
I am grateful for the relief I feel not lying to myself any more.
I am grateful now that I am feeling my honest feelings rather than suppressing them.
I am grateful now that I am telling my truth to myself and not lying to myself any more.
I am grateful for the emotional freedom I feel when telling my truth to myself.
I am grateful that I am not pretending any more for it allows me to make real change in my life.
I am grateful for the genuinely good feelings I feel now that I am no longer pretending about my feelings.

Pretending is a disease that causes us to bullshit ourselves and others while telling our truth to ourselves sets us free to get better naturally and prosper effortlessly.  You may not be able to tell your truth to others because most people can't handle your truth.  However, you can always, moment by moment, tell your truth to yourself. In doing so you will no longer disappoint yourself and your truth shall set you free to create the life you want, your way.

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