

Feeling People's EMOTIONS at a distance

Can we feel people's emotions on the internet even if we never talk to them by phone or see them in person? You bet we can. If we can't, then all of us are wasting our time sharing our thoughts with each other on Twitter, Facebook and our blogs. 

Our thoughts, inside of us, are our vibrations.

We change the form of the vibration, not the vibration itself, when we translate our thoughts into words. 

Our vibrations, in the form of our words, are felt by others across the miles as they read them.

When people 'take in' the physical form of our vibration through our words, they are also taking in the very vibrations and feelings we felt when we first wrote our words, minutes or hours before... That's why I deeply feel every word you write because when I read the words you write, I am feeling you...

Feeling connected to others yields the greatest feelings of love for 
others while feeling separate from others yields us our greatest pain.

I'm I let the Universe Do it For me...

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