

Your ANGER, God's Greatest Gift To You.

Anger is a fire, a passion in your belly unexpressed.

There is nothing wrong with anger when expressed and released in healthy ways.  Anger, pure and simple, is an energy. And when you are expressing it in healthy ways, you will feel your passion for life coursing through your veins making you feel great to be ALIVE

Anger felt and expressed in writing or in your words to yourself can burn up the disappointment, hurt, hatred and bitterness hiding out in your heart. Anger is a function of the soul, it is a cleansing fire given to you by God to clean out your mind and body of thoughts and feelings that are weighing you down or holding you back.  Anger expressed in healthy ways will make you feel brand new again. 

Anger unexpressed is like water in a steam kettle with no safety valve, it will eventually blow and hurt you and others in the process. However, Anger expressed in healthy ways changes the world. We don't think of Mother Teresa and Gandhi as angry people but they were. They were very angry people and with their anger they changed the world by expressing their anger as passion and love for others.

ANGER keeps you honest. When you are pretending or in denial, anger will
show up in your life to set the record straight. - Frederick Zappone


My passion is inspiring and EMPOWERING YOU
with my words. In return your donations INSPIRE
and empower me. - Frederick Zappone


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