

Turning Human Weakness into God-Like STRENGTH

FACTOID: Whatever weakness we deny in ourselves will eventually show up and get 'acted out' by the people around us.

My greatest weakness was my anger. Today it's my greatest strength.

For the longest time I suppressed my anger as a way of dealing with it. Suppressing my anger didn't make it go away, it made it go into hiding. The problem with denying my anger is that it unconsciously caused me to attract a lot of angry people into my life.


When I was 7 my dad had a nervous breakdown and ended up in a mental hospital where he was administered SHOCK therapy. When he came home, every time I got upset my mother would shut me down by telling me that my anger would send my dad back to the hospital. And since I didn't want that to happen, I began suppressing my anger.

Little did I know that by suppressing my anger, I was creating a condition that I would have to deal with the rest of my life.

Anger or any negative emotion is not a bad thing, it's only when we suppress or deny our negative emotions that they become bad things. Suppression of negative emotions cause them to burrow (or bury) themselves into our subconscious mind and take on a life of their own outside our immediate conscious control.

The solution to denying our weakness is to embrace it. By embracing it we can learn from it and eventually turn our weakness into strength.

When we suppress or deny our weakness it gets stronger. When we embrace our weakness it get weaker.

In my case, as long as I suppressed or denied my anger, it got stronger and had more control over me than it had before. 

In the beginning my anger scared me because I knew when I got really angry, all reason left me. If I allowed my anger to get outside my control I knew I could do terrible things that I would never be able to change. 

Once I made up to mind to face my anger head on, it became my teacher instead of something that could destroy me.  Anger taught me many things. It taught me that uncontrolled anger has no place in this world if we want to live in peace and harmony with one another. 

Anger ALERTS us when our sense of justice is violated.  

Being angry is okay but acting out our anger is not. That is unless you're 'acting out' your anger in the privacy of your home by beating the shit out of a pillow. I did that one time and had feather's flying everywhere. 

My experiences with anger taught me to process my 'angry reactions' privately and then respond appropriately (with compassion) to the person or situation that triggered my anger in the first place.  


Anger in its simplest form is energy imploding inside of us rather than being creatively expressing outside of us. 

Energy imploding side of us is very uncomfortable and seeks an immediate release. I discovered the 'energy of anger' gets dissipated very quickly through exercise (or walking) and allows me to rationally deal with whatever pissed me off in the first place. 

This morning my anger gave me the inspiration and energy to write this article about turning weakness into strength.  When I make my anger work for me I feel a release inside of me. When I deny my anger, I feel increased pressure in my body.  When I acknowledge my anger and use it in a positive way I feel both relief and satisfaction.


What is your greatest weakness?   Is it anxiety, worry, booze, drugs, sex, unfaithfulness, gambling, food, lying or something else. Whatever it is by embracing it rather than running from it you can transform your most shameful weakness into your greatest strength. 

If you like, I can help you transform you weakness into strength by writing an article that addresses the solution to your specific weakness and posting it up here on my blog.

In the comment section you can post ANONYMOUSLY, your greatest weakness with as much detail as possible. Once I understand your weakness I will post an article explaining to you how you can transform your particular weakness into your greatest strength.  


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  1. My biggest fear that holds me back is the fear of rejection.

    1. It is my experience that rejection is God's protection from something that is bad for me. Rejection is also re-direction to something better for me.

      The truth be told, people really can’t reject you because they don’t know you. That being said, the worst kind of rejection is when we reject ourselves because another person has rejected us.

      Self-rejection after another person has rejected us is very painful. That's why I will not use being rejected by other people as an excuse to reject myself, it is way too painful to do that to myself.

      Here is a link to an article I wrote about rejection:

      (If you can't click on the link, copy and paste it into your browser window)

      If you have more questions about rejection, feel free to ask them.

      Frederick Zappone
