

What People Think Of You Is NONE Of Your Business

The quickest way to depress yourself is to concern yourself about what other people think of you. Any concerns you have about what other people think of you will stop you from being you. Your thoughts about other people's thoughts about you will imprison you. Worrying about what people will think of you if you 'say or do' this or that will hold you back and keep you showing up in the world as a 'shy person' rather than showing up in the world as the brilliant person you truly are...

Do you know the worst judgments you have about yourself are the ones where YOU judge that other people are judging you.

The point is nothing, NOTHING can discourage or defeat you except for your very own thoughts OR your thoughts about other people's thoughts, still your thoughts.

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1 comment:

  1. Spot on...At the end of the day,it is all about you!!
