

Loving the UNLOVABLE parts of you.

To heal ourselves, to feel whole again. To feel energetic and alive, it is important that we become aware of and then love those parts of ourselves that we have rejected as not acceptable to us.

Any part of ourselves (physically, mentally, emotionally) that we do not like will be healed once we love our unlovable parts without judgment.

What parts of your physical body have you not been loving? 

What emotions or thoughts have you not been loving?

Nothing is healed by hating or disliking anything about yourself.

Once you infuse what you don't like about yourself with love, healing takes place naturally.

Question: How do I love the unlovable parts of me.

Answer: By doing the exact opposite of what you been doing when you have been hating or disliking something about yourself. 

The beginning of loving an unlovable part of ourselves is acceptance of that part. Without acceptance love is not possible. 

After acceptance 'observe the judgments' you have about that part of you and then release those judgments. You release judgments when you realize how awful they make you feel and how much energy and power they take from you.

Excerpted From the Book

(If it ain't Easy, it ain't working for me)
Copyright 2019 By Frederick Zappone
My previously published books can be previewed here  

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