

Your ONLY Enemy, the Critic in your head. KILL IT!

The critics in my life, along with the ones that live in my head, told me I was full of sh*t. They ridiculed me and made fun of me.

They told me no one would be interested in what I knew about feeling good, no matter what. They said it is not possible to feel good, no matter what. They said it wasn't realistic. They said it was 'normal' to feel bad. They said feeling bad is what makes us human. If we didn't feel bad, what would we do with all the time on our hands if we weren't worried, anxious or fearful about something.

They said if we didn't feel bad, we would be out of control and do all kinds of bad things to ourselves. They made us doubt ourselves, not trust ourselves so we would trust them. And so the 'critical leaders' of religion, education, medicine, government, and business all conspired to make up policies and pass laws that would make us feel bad as a way to control us and keep us in line. And what a good job they have done.

Everything in our culture is designed to make us do things out of fear and obligation rather than doing things coming from love, freedom of choice and inspiration. Everything in the culture is designed to keep us out of that 'feeling good' state of mind by reinforcing thoughts of fear and doubt in our mind 24/7. 

This fear based information is broadcast to us daily through our newspapers, magazines, radios and television sets. And much of this fear based information is then rebroadcast to us through the videos, pictures and words we see on the Internet. As a result of this continuous 'fear broadcasting,' people are taking actions coming from fear and doing harmful things to themselves and other people more than ever before. These harmful things range from acts of violence and abuse to outright murder and thievery...

Society, by broadcasting fear on a continuous basis, has made us addicted to feeling bad. Society then created pills, booze, drugs and other addictive substances to help us with our bad feelings.  

Society then instructed us to use these addictive substances to medicate, sedate and numb our bad feelings. As a result of following society's advice, we ended up feeling so numb we lost touch with our power to create our life and our world the way we want.


Every time you 'react' then act on your reaction that is FEAR running your life...  And all fear is good for is making you feel bad, and creating more fear in your life until you become afraid of everyone and everything. The worst thing about fear is that it makes you feel afraid of yourself, of your own thoughts and feelings and to my way of thinking that's not normal at all.

Realizing what the culture had done to us, I made it my intention to dissolve and neutralize the fear thoughts that entered my mind rather than giving them the power to harm me in any way.  

I did just that, and from my experience of turning bad feelings into good ones, my Feeling Good, No Matter What, Newsletter was born.

Did you know that every thought you think that makes you feel bad about yourself are not your thoughts at all but thoughts created by other people to manipulate, dominate and control you. Other people not only created those thoughts but convinced you those thoughts were the truth about you, The sad part is, once you believed the LIES people told you about yourself, you entered into hell on earth.

My Feeling Good, No matter What, Newsletter is for people tired of living in fear. My newsletter is for people who want to thrive and prosper in all areas of their life rather than just surviving and getting by. 

My newsletter is for people who want to go from living a lukewarm life to living a life full of passion, excitement and adventure. My newsletter is for people who consciously want to create their future life rather than leaving their future life to chance, accident or luck.

My newsletter is for people who want to give up being addicted to 'bad feelings' which forces them to overeat, overdrink and take drugs with harmful side effects.

My Feel Good Newsletter contains a new way of thinking. This new way of thinking will set you free from the 'mind traps' society created that make you live in fear and control you.This new way of thinking will allow you to experience yourself as the MAGNIFICENT, POWERFUL, LOVABLE to core human being you always knew, deep down in your heart, that you truly were.

-- Frederick Zappone


Feeling Good (No Matter What) Newsletter

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