

Got Problems? Lighten Up, Let Go, PLAY...

So many people with so many problems.......

They have relationship problems, money problems, love problems, health problems. In 99% of the cases, that 'thing' that's trying to figure out the answer or solution to their problems is FEAR.

And the more they come from fear while trying to solve their problem, the worse their fears get and the worse their problem becomes. You see there is a LAW, a very simple law  and it goes like this:  

Whatever you FOCUS your attention on, you attract more of the same.

If you focus on thoughts or feelings that make you feel bad, you attract more of the same kind of thoughts and feelings. The reason for this is because your FOCUS is on what make you feel bad rather than what makes you feel good, what makes you feel most ALIVE.

Feelings are your first physical evidence that something (good or bad) is coming true for you? Don't like what's coming true for you, change your thoughts. The moment you do, your feelings begin changing too. 

If you have a  problem of any kind and you have done everything you know to do to make it disappear from your life and still the problem persists, DO NOTHING. Let me explain.

Putting time and energy into a problem you cannot solve allows it to grow in strength and power over you until you are completely powerless to do anything about the problem.

Often times, with a chronic problem, you are resisting it and fighting with it which makes it persist rather than disappear from your life.  After you have done everything you know to do to make a chronic problem disappear from your life, if you do nothing, one of the following three things will happen to the problem.  

NUMBER 1. the problem will simply disappear from your life for no logical reason you can explain. One day you have the problem and the next day you're aware the problem is no longer in your life. 

NUMBER 2. In doing nothing to solve your problem, the mind relaxes and when you least expect it, the answer to your problem spontaneously appear in your mind, seemingly out of thin air. And when the answer does appear, even before you apply the answer, you will know with absolutely certainty the answer will solve the problem for you.  (This happens to me a lot.) 

NUMBER 3. During the time you are doing nothing to solve your problem, when you least expect it, a person, an article, a book, a workshop, event or situation will show up in your life that contains the answer to your problem.  When that happens, you will intuitively know without a shadow of a doubt that the answer you unexpectedly received is the right answer for you.


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