

It is you God, I love above all the rest.

Hey God, it is Frederick here. I don't want to get all weepy and sentimental on you, but it is you God, I love above all the rest.  I know saying this out loud God could make me look like a 'crazy' in some people eyes but then again, they don't know you the way I do... I never found you in the bible or in churches I attended. I never found you through the words of a priest, minister or rabbi.  

Instead, I found you inside me beating my heart and exhaling air in and out of my lungs without me giving it a second thought. I found you in my hearing, hearing the sweets sounds of children laughing, music playing and babies soft sighs. I found you in my eyes, seeing you in the oceans, deserts, the mountains far away and the stars and planets in the sky.  I have smelled your heavenly aroma in the flowers in the field and have tasted you in the sweet vegetables grown from the earth you created for me.

I see you when I look into the eyes of my children, grandchildren, family, friends and strangers on the street. I see you everywhere, in everything all the time, and because I do, I'm madly in love with you.

Gratitude and Appreciation


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