

Emotions are neither Good or Bad, They are ENERGY

To judge our emotions as negative or positive is to do ourselves a huge disservice. All emotions are vibrations, they are energy. Our job is to figure out how to make them work for rather than against us. For example, anger fuels my success. It is a powerful emotion and when I allow myself to feel it without judging it in any way I find myself energized and motivated to accomplish great things.

In my experience (and in the experience of many people I have worked with) depression is a result of us trying to suppress our anger rather than express it in creative and healthy ways.  Being afraid of or judging any of our emotions in a negative way stops us from fully being ourselves.

We feel what we feel for a reason and the reason is always good. Emotions are here to guide us to what we want and protect us from what we don't want. Every one of our emotions are our friends if we take the time to understand them rather than making ourselves wrong for having them or actively work on pushing them away from ourselves.

The first step to making any emotion (or feeling) you judge as negative, in any way, your friend is to embrace it

If you have questions about making an emotion you judge in a negative way work for rather than against you, post your question in the comment section of this blog entry and I will answer it for you.


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