

How to STOP Your Worries from Coming True.

Do worries really come True? I'm afraid they do. I have had enough experience with worry to know that worries do come true.  It is not the big worries, it is the little ones that come true most often.   


We worry that people won't like us or that we will get rejected for a job.  We worry we won't have enough money to pay our bills at the end of the month because we exceeded our budget.  We worry that we will never find someone to love us. These worries come true most often because we think about them most often.

The big worries rarely come true because those worries are so horrific we block them from our mind completely thereby not granting them the  'creative energy' necessary to come true.

On the other hand, our little worries come true most often because we give them too much of our time and attention. They come true because we think about them over and over again until they become automatic habits of thoughts running through our heads outside our immediate conscious control. Once that happens we set into motion a 'vibration' that attracts to us the very think we fear.


Worry thought is fear thought that pushes away from us what we want rather than attracting what we want to us. Rather than worry about your 'worry thoughts; do what I do, use them as an ALERT signal to shift your attention to something that makes you feel good to be you.  

If you must worry, only worry long enough to see if there is some action you can take right now to make your worry go away. If you can't take an immediate action to resolve your worry, put it to down and focus on something that makes you happy.

Giving up your 'little worry thoughts' is not hard to do if you use them as an ALERT SIGNAL to shift your focus to taking actions and thinking thoughts that make you feel good about you.

Giving up worry takes a bit of time and practice so be kind to yourself while you master the art of becoming a non-worrier.  

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