
Showing posts with label letting go. Show all posts
Showing posts with label letting go. Show all posts


Let Go of 'NOT KNOWING' how to solve a problem.

You will have many situations, problems and challenges in life where, in any given moment of time, you DO NOT know the answer or solution to solving what life has thrown your way.  

The only reason you resist not knowing the answer and thereby delaying the answer you seek from showing up in your head unexpectedly is FEAR.   The fear of not knowing STOPS you from knowing...

Fear pushes what you want away from you including the answers you seek. On the other hand, letting go of 'not knowing' makes it possible for the answer you seek to show up in your mind when you least expect it.  


Focus on what you DO KNOW AND CAN DO and let go of (for the moment) what you do not know and cannot do. 

Focusing on what you do know and can do WILL EMPOWER YOU while focusing on what you do not know and cannot do, in the moment, will discourage and defeat you. 

Resisting fear is futile because it is your resistance to fear that allows fear to defeat you. When you do not resist fear, it goes POOF like magic and disappear from your life naturally. 

 - Frederick Zappone, Author, Love Is All I know.


The Secret To Letting Go of What Makes You Unhappy, Stresses You Out Or Holds You Back In Any Way.

If you want to show up in the world as the brilliant, magnificent, powerful, lovable to the core person you truly are, you have to let go of all those things that are holding you back.

There is no 'HOW TO' when it comes to letting go. Letting go is not a 'how to,' it is a choice you make.  You choose to let go of something. And then you repeatedly make that choice until you feel a RELEASE from what you have been holding on to that has been holding you back.

The #1 benefit of letting go of things that no longer serve you is that it gives you much more FREEDOM to fully be you.

What do you need to let go of?  

Do you need to let of resentment, anger, bitterness, anxiety, worry or something else? Do you need to let go of a person? Got questions about letting go of something that is bothering you? If so, post them in the  comment section and I will answer them for you.



Unwanted Emotions: For God's Sake Just Let them GO

Trying to understand why you are feeling an unwanted emotion will make it persist.  Just let it go, take your focus off it UNLESS you like focusing on an unwanted emotion that makes you uncomfortable or suffer in some way.  Feeling an unwanted emotion is an ALERT SIGNAL to shift your focus to thoughts and actions that make you feel good to be you.  To the best of my knowledge nothing good comes out thinking about or trying to analysis an unwanted emotion. All that does is makes it stronger until you become addicted to it and can't live without it.


How to STOP Your Worries from Coming True.

Do worries really come True? I'm afraid they do. I have had enough experience with worry to know that worries do come true.  It is not the big worries, it is the little ones that come true most often.   


We worry that people won't like us or that we will get rejected for a job.  We worry we won't have enough money to pay our bills at the end of the month because we exceeded our budget.  We worry that we will never find someone to love us. These worries come true most often because we think about them most often.

The big worries rarely come true because those worries are so horrific we block them from our mind completely thereby not granting them the  'creative energy' necessary to come true.

On the other hand, our little worries come true most often because we give them too much of our time and attention. They come true because we think about them over and over again until they become automatic habits of thoughts running through our heads outside our immediate conscious control. Once that happens we set into motion a 'vibration' that attracts to us the very think we fear.


Worry thought is fear thought that pushes away from us what we want rather than attracting what we want to us. Rather than worry about your 'worry thoughts; do what I do, use them as an ALERT signal to shift your attention to something that makes you feel good to be you.  

If you must worry, only worry long enough to see if there is some action you can take right now to make your worry go away. If you can't take an immediate action to resolve your worry, put it to down and focus on something that makes you happy.

Giving up your 'little worry thoughts' is not hard to do if you use them as an ALERT SIGNAL to shift your focus to taking actions and thinking thoughts that make you feel good about you.

Giving up worry takes a bit of time and practice so be kind to yourself while you master the art of becoming a non-worrier.  

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To Succeed you must GIVE UP one thing.

Achieving success  can be EASY to do if you are willing to give up one thing. The one thing you must  give up are all thoughts and feelings that live in opposition to what you want. 

As you travel down the 'success path' all kinds of negative thoughts and feelings will intrude upon you, most without your permission. 

What many people do with unwanted thoughts and feelings is that they resist, fight even argue with them. 

Not the thing to do because doing any of those things makes unwanted thoughts and feelings gain in strength and power over you.

To give up unwanted thoughts and feelings simply OBSERVE them and ALLOW them to harmlessly pass you by like clouds in the sky.  

Do not have conversations with them, that will make them persist. Only 'observing and allowing' them to harmlessly pass you by will cause them to dissolve and disappear from your body and mind naturally.

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The "Letting Go' Prayer.

Dear God,

I let go of what I want in order that I can have it.  I know wanting is 'holding on' while letting go of what I want makes it possible for what I want to move from the invisible world of my thoughts to the visible world where my physical body lives.  I know that at one time my body existed outside of 'time and space' as a divine thought in your mind and in you releasing the thought of me from your mind, I showed up in the physical world you created for all humankind.  

Today, I let go of worry, scarcity, lack, limitation, anxiety, stress and fear. I let go of all of those thoughts and feelings that hurt and disappoint me or make me doubt myself in any way. In letting go of the thoughts and feelings I do not want, I make room for the thoughts and feelings I do want which includes peace, love and prosperity in abundance, not only for myself but for all people, who want what I want.  AMEN...

My Feeling Good, No Matter What, Newsletter is for people who want to feed their mind thoughts that STRENGTHEN them, inspire them to greatest and make their feelings bulletproof to the bad attitudes of other people. If you want to receive amazing insights twice a month that will make you a more powerful person than you ever dreamed possible, then my newsletter is for you. A one year subscription (24 Issues) of my newsletter is delivered to you via e-mail twice a month.  As soon as you subscribe to my Feeling Good, No Matter What, Newsletter you will receive your first issue that will put you on the track to becoming most powerful person's in your corner of the world. - Frederick Zappone



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Let it go, Let your Damn PAST go...

We all have our cherished negative thoughts we find hard to let go off. You know the ones I mean. The ones you incessantly and annoyingly repeat to yourself over and over again. 

Thoughts such as I am not smart enough, I'll never get it right. I am not good enough, I am not deserving enough, I'll never be rich, I'll never find true love. My best is never good enough.

The reason people don't 'let go' of those thoughts is because they secretly believe they're true and because they do, they fight with those thoughts, debate those thoughts rather than let them go.  

The fact is those thoughts are true AS LONG AS you keep repeating those kinds of thoughts to yourself over and over again. The thoughts we repeat to ourselves is what cause us to attract to ourselves people and circumstances that match our thoughts.  Don't like what you are attracting into your life?  If you don't, start repeating a new set of thoughts, thoughts that make you feel good, then and only then, will you start attracting into your life, people and circumstances that make you feel good too.

My Feeling Good, No Matter What, Newsletter is for people who want to feed their mind thoughts that STRENGTHEN them, inspire them to greatest and make their feelings bulletproof to the bad attitudes of other people. If you want to receive amazing insights twice a month that will make you a more powerful person than you ever dreamed possible, then my newsletter is for you. A one year subscription (24 Issues) of my newsletter is delivered to you via e-mail twice a month.  As soon as you subscribe to my Feeling Good, No Matter What, Newsletter you will receive your first issue that will put you on the track to becoming most powerful person's in your corner of the world. - Frederick Zappone



Feeling Good (No Matter What) Newsletter

12 Month Subscription, 24 Issues, Delivered By E-mail Twice A Month

Regular Subscription Price $50.00

For a Limited Time, Only $15.00


After making your payment, click on the 'FREDERICK ZAPPONE' button located on the payment receipt page to immediately begin receiving your newsletter subscription. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.




Nothing releases STRESS from my body faster than FORGIVENESS


Forgiveness is about us first and the other other person second. You see, if we can't forgive ourselves first for putting ourselves in a position where another person did us an injustice or harmed us in any way, we can never forgive the other person.  Forgiving myself  is the first action I must take if I want to forgive the other person and enjoy the immense benefits that forgiveness gives me. 

Forgive means to: 1. grant pardon for an offense ; to absolve; to set free from punishment. 2. to cease to feel resentment against yourself or others. 

When I forgive myself  I am set free to create what I want rather than being filled with feelings of resentment, anger and fear that stops me from creating what I want. The unwillingness to forgive myself for my mistakes makes 'nasty feelings' stick to me like SUPER GLUE. 

The reason forgiveness works so powerfully in making me feel energetic and brand new again is because I know, the moment I forgive myself, God does too.


I forgive myself for inadvertently offending some people yesterday.
I forgive myself for not making any money online yesterday.
I forgive myself for being too hard on myself.
I forgive myself for paying attention to the critic in my head. 
I forgive myself for not living a more balanced life.
I forgive myself for trying too hard.
I forgive myself for upsetting people in ways I am not aware of.
I forgive myself for being a perfectionist.
I forgive myself for not being more grateful for what I do have.
I forgive myself for living too much in the future.
I forgive myself for not letting go of the past.
I forgive myself for thoughtlessly stressing myself out.
Project Forgive 
The Path To Freedom: Radical Honesty



Dissolving the Negative

He was so afraid of feeling bad that he felt bad all of the time. Is this you? If it is, change your thoughts and the moment you do, your feelings will begin changing too. Once you do that, your fear feelings will begin disappearing from your life like magic


Connecting to your SOURCE

Surrender is a lifesaver. I'm not talking about surrender as in defeat. I'm talking about surrender as in giving UP my problems to the higher part of my personality where my connection to the 'organizing intelligence of the universe' lives. When I surrender my problems, truly surrender them, as in turning over my problems to my higher power, my mind is instantly illuminated with solutions and answers to my problems I never thought about before. 

Surrender is letting go of any secret fears you have so the 'organizing intelligence of the universe' can begin working behind the scenes of your life. Once you let go, this 'intelligence' will begin orchestrating events in your favor so the outcome you were afraid wasn't going to happen, happens.  
